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  • What is BARF ?
    English term meaning “Biologically Approved Raw Food” developed by Dr. Ian Billinghurst. The natural animal feed of canids based on raw meat (the BARF), designates a method of feeding, based on the eating habits of wolves and other wild carnivores. The animal is fed, according to its dietary needs, with raw meat, bones, offal, vegetables and fruits in small proportions.
  • What are Kroumy patties made of?
    The “Kroumy Multi-Mix” patties are composed of an average of 85% meat/bones/offals and 15% vegetables and fruits.
  • About Kroumy's freezing process 
    The “Kroumy Multi-Mix” patties are frozen directly after production. The patties are first vacuum-packed in packages of 500g each and then flash frozen at -40° to preserve a maximum of nutrients.
  • What is the best way to transition to a diet BARF ?
    In general, the change in diet is done with a short transition period with poultry protein. However, it should be noted that some dogs need more time to get used to and it is a good idea to change their food more slowly. It is possible to let the dog fast for 1-2 days. It is also advisable to give several small meals instead of one large meal at once and to introduce other proteins such as beef only once the poultry has been assimilated.
  • How much should I feed ?
    The amount of food can vary depending on several factors: age, race, activity, climate, etc. In general, a dog needs 2.5% to 3.25% of its weight in food per day. That is to say that a 30 kg dog needs 900 grams to 1 kg of food per day. Puppies small breeds 4.5% Large breed puppies 3.25% Adult dogs 2.5% to 3.25% Old dogs 2.5%
  • Can puppies be fed the BARF  diet?
    Yes! If puppies are fed the BARF diet from the start, they grow up in a balanced and healthy way and develop a natural agility, characteristic of healthy young animals. The BARF diet provides puppies with all the elements they need to grow and develop healthily.
  • Can senior dogs be fed the BARF  diet?
    All animal species feed in principle, regardless of their age, with food corresponding to their specific needs. It is therefore not necessary to make a special food plan for the older dog. Although the older dog's energy requirement is reduced due to reduced activity, it is very easy to compensate for this difference by reducing the amount of food.
  • Can we mix BARF and kibble ?
    In general this is not a good idea, although many dog owners do it in the belief that they are avoiding nutritional deficiencies, a totally unwarranted fear. Processed food is faster to digest than B.A.R.F and the mixture can slow down or compromise the optimal absorption of nutrients contained in raw foods.
  • What is “ détox ” ?
    Since most processed (ready-to-use) foods contain inferior ingredients, long-term administration can lead to an accumulation of toxins and dross in the body. This is why many dogs go through a sort of detoxification period when going from the industrial diet to the natural one. This phenomenon often appears at the beginning, but it can also start after a while. This detoxification or elimination of toxins is accompanied by symptoms such as diarrhea, mucus in the feces, itching, skin problems, runny nose and/or eyes, vomiting or bad smell. This process can be facilitated by strengthening the immune system: with aromatic herbs or homeopathic treatment. The detoxification process can lead the owner to despair as it may turn out to be long and not pleasant – only perseverance will help you overcome this stage!
  • My dog drinks less, is this normal ?"
    Yes, this is completely normal. Meat and vegetables are largely composed of water and their low salt content considerably reduces this need, which turns out to be much greater with dry food.
  • What about salmonella ?
    Salmonella are usually always present in the intestine of the dog. Many people are afraid to give raw meat, especially poultry, because of the danger of salmonella infection, but this fear is rather unfounded. The dog has a very short intestine and raw food is very quickly digested. Pathogens are eliminated before they can cause a proliferation of harmful germs. An infection caused by Salmonella poses no risk to a dog with a healthy immune system.
  • Should food supplements / supplements be given?
    Yes and no. Always monitor the dog's reactions to different supplements and above all not over-supplement! It also always depends on the conditions or life stages of the animal. A nursing dog, for example, has an energy requirement up to 3 times higher than normal. Support with vitamins and especially vitamin C is essential. In the field of minerals, calcium plays a very important role for the female dog. We must also take into account the high need for vitamins and minerals of puppies. As for sick or stressed dogs, food supplements can help and relieve them. Do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian for any questions regarding supplements in general
  • What bones can I feed my dog ?
    A widely given type of bone is marrow bone. Marrow is good for strengthening joints and cartilage and bone can be eaten away for long periods without risk of fragmentation. Tubular bones should be avoided and fleshy bones, ribs or cartilage should be preferred. For poultry, wings, back and neck are fine. Fleshy bones are preferable in order to protect the stomach a little. If you don't feel comfortable with certain bones, don't give them away! It's not the point to make you needlessly worry about his health.
  • What if my dog can't handle bones?
    In this case, you must give him a tailor-made diet! You can meet his calcium requirement with calcium citrate, bone meal, or ground eggshells.
  • How to thaw raw meat?
    You can thaw meat by putting it in the refrigerator. However, keep in mind that it takes longer than at room temperature. In addition, care must be taken to remove it from the refrigerator approx. 1 hour before feeding, as cold meat can cause gastrointestinal problems in sensitive animals. If you want to speed up the defrosting time, you can let the meat sit at room temperature overnight or put the package in lukewarm water. Whatever method you adopt, it is important not to drain the meat but to give it with its juice since it contains many vitamins and vital substances.
  • My dog doesn't like raw meat, why ?"
    When a dog has been raised on industrial kibble or other highly processed foods, he/she may not immediately like the taste of raw meat. Fresh meat is much less fragrant than the many industrial products that contain many flavor and odor enhancers. The dog does not recognize meat as food because the smell and consistency are unknown to him. If your dog refuses to eat the meat at first, you can supplement it with bone broth or kefir (or others) to give new smells and arouse the dog's interest.
  • Can fish be given?
    Fish is not only a very suitable food, it is also particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil, also rich in omega-3, is a very good supplement!
  • Can we give whole eggs ?
    Yes! Many people don't believe this because raw egg white contains avidin, a substance that destroys vitamin H (biotin). Given that you are feeding the egg whole, and the high biotin content in the egg yolk exceeds the effect of the avidin, there is no need to worry. In addition, eggs are very rich in calcium if you give them with the shell. It is also an additional source of protein.
  • How to feed your dog during trips / holidays ?
    When traveling by car for a period of up to a week, it is worth taking frozen meat with you. Placed in a safe place in a cooler, defrosting can take a few days. If your trip is of longer duration, it is also possible to buy portions of dehydrated/freeze-dried "BARF".
  • Fasting your dog : yes or no ?
    We recommend it! For wild canids, fasting for days is not unusual. They eat after catching prey, which is not the case every day. From a genetic point of view, our domestic dogs hardly differ from wolves. Fasting the dog simulates the natural conditions of its species. Apart from mimicking natural eating habits, the digestive organs are given respite and the opportunity to regenerate. However, it must be taken into account that even by introducing a day of fasting every 7 to 14 days (theoretically all tolerable for any dog), many dogs will find it difficult to do without their daily meal. In such cases, you can lighten the fasting period by giving vegetables and fruits in small quantities or a marrow bone.
  • My dog gobbles his food – what to do ?
    Seeing your pet swallow its meal in two bites can be scary. The solution we recommend is to buy a "Lick Pad" type bowl so that the dog does not swallow his rations.
  • What to do in case of vomiting ?
    There are different reasons why a dog vomits. If he vomits yellow bile, his stomach is probably empty and he is hungry. Some dogs do not tolerate a day of fasting well and vomit bile; in this kind of case, it is advisable not to make the dog fast anymore. If the dog vomits white foam, he may have drunk too much water. When a dog devours his food, he sometimes throws it up to eat it again. What will seem disgusting to us, is completely normal for the dog. Some female dogs throw up their food for their puppies – nature is like that! If the change in diet causes the dog to vomit frequently, consideration should be given to giving the dog probiotic cultures (e.g. yogurt/kefir) and digestive enzymes (e.g. green rumen) to help him digest his new food. You can also multiply the meals with smaller portions. If the dog vomits frequently or violently, drools or seems to have stomach pains, call your veterinarian.
  • My dog poops less – is this normal ?
    This is completely normal on a raw meat diet. The dog assimilates this food much better, which does not contain cheap additives such as cereals or other unwanted foods. A pleasant and ecological collateral effect of BARF.
  • My dog's stool is white – is this normal ?
    It is completely normal if you give your dog bones. On the other hand, if he pushes a lot to relieve himself or if his stools are constantly white, vegetables should be given to avoid constipation.
  • What to do in case of constipation ?
    Some dogs have trouble digesting bones at first. In this case, it is advisable to give squash flesh to free the dog. He should also fast until he has had a bowel movement. If the dog is often constipated, it is absolutely necessary to reduce the bone ration. In cases of severe constipation, you should call a veterinarian!
  • What to do in case of diarrhea ?
    The beginnings are often accompanied by diarrhea. However, a clear distinction must be made between (watery) diarrhea and loose stools. If the stools are simply soft, the situation will normalize once digestion resumes normal function. If the diarrhea is very watery and there is no improvement after a few days, contact the veterinarian as it could be a disease, allergy, intolerance, or even a parasitic infection.
  • My dog's stool produces mucus – what to do ?
    The change in diet can result in stools surrounded by mucus; this is part of the detoxification process. Dairy products can also cause slimy poop; in this case, we advise you not to give it for a while. If you notice this phenomenon only at the beginning or from time to time, there is no need to worry. If this is frequent or constant, you must call a veterinarian and carry out an analysis! It could be a gastrointestinal or parasitic infection.
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